If you are looking for the best dog leash for various purposes, for small, medium and large dog breeds take into account our new biothane dog leash. This is a light and strong dog lead. That makes it perfect for all dog sizes. We noted all your needs and requirements to create a functional, super durable service dog leash for walking and training.
This bright red biothane dog leash for service dogs combines smart look, strength, & functionality. This is a strong biothane dog leash with a rustproof brass snap hook. A strong dog leash is made of biothane. It does not stretch and is extremely tear-proof to control a powerful dog.
This bright red dog lead has 'service dog' print. It may be used for service dogs and other small to very large dog breeds.
Its bright color will not fade in the sun and with time.
We made reliable armored stitching and super strong hardware to make it serve you for a long time.
A biothane dog leash is a great choice if you are going to use it in various weather, in wet conditions, or frost. It does not lose it flexibility, softness, and strength. You will easy clean it with a quick wiping with a wet cloth and go further or proceed training. It is dirt- and wet-resistant.
Biothane has multiple qualities that point it out among the others. It is extremely durable, tear-proof, non-fading in color, wetproof, water-repellent, does not impregnate smells and dirt, easy to clean and store. A synthetic material is resistant to insects and fungus.
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