Bringing a Puppy Home. New Puppy Care
Looking after a puppy
Julia Dogtrainer
Category: Puppy care
Bringing a new puppy home is a very responsible moment in life of any dog owner. Before bringing a puppy home, you need to have definite preparations done.
Puppy feeding
Wherever you bring your puppy from - get to know how has it been usually fed. If a dog breeder feeds puppies with dry food, ask him to give a little of it or buy the same one. You can feed your puppy in a different way later, but it should be made gradually by reducing of the portion of the food it is used to. If a puppy has been fed with natural food, get to know the way it was prepared.
Useful information: How to feed a puppy?
Puppy plates for food and water
Prepare little plates, comfortable for the puppy sizes. When you dog will grow up, change the plates for the "adult" ones. It is better if these plates are stainless steel or enameled. Cheap plastic is dangerous for puppy health.
Puppy muzzle
Even if you are not going to go out with your puppy yet, you will need a puppy muzzle for visiting a vet, vaccination etc. You will have much less troubles if your dog is trained to a muzzle from the very early age.
How to choose a muzzle for puppy? Do not buy a larger muzzle with the intention to save money, as well as your puppy grows. A muzzle should fit your puppy correctly. It is better to choose a soft dog muzzle made of nylon, plastic, or fabric. The puppy should have regulated neck straps for the possibility to fix it maximum fit.
Useful information: How to train a dog to a muzzle?
Types of dog muzzles
Puppy collar
It is compulsory to train a puppy to a collar. A puppy collar should be regulated to fit a dog properly. Choose not too wide and thick dog collar, made of natural materials, like this leather dog collar.
Puppy harness
It is comfortable to use a dog harness for puppy walking. It does not tighten dog's neck and is very comfortable for young dog temperament. We recommend to choose a nylon dog harness that is made in maximum range of sizes and is very durable for active dog walking and training.

Puppy leash
Puppy leash should be lightweight, long enough to let a dog play and run, with reliable snap hook. You may choose strong and practical nylon dog lead or leather dog leash. If you want to have an obedient dog, train it to walking on a leash from early age.

Useful information: Dog training to a collar and leash.
Dog leads: how to choose?
Puppy bed
It is useful to train a dog to its own bed since its first days in your home. You can take a soft dog bed for adult dog size at once in the order not to change it later.
Puppy toys
Puppy toys are not the tools of emergency for a puppy, but nevertheless, they are important for normal puppy growing and developing, especially if it a large dog breed and you are going to train it for schutzhund in the future. Do not give kids' toys to puppies - the are not intended for this purpose. They are not supposed to be bitten with strong dog teeth, that's why they may be dangerous for puppy.
Choose dog toys according to sizes of your puppy. Too large toy will not be comfortable for a small puppy, and a small toy is not interesting and even dangerous for a puppy of large dog breed (it just can swallow it's toy).
The optimum dog toy set for your puppy may be: solid rubber dog ball, rubber dog toy for chewing and a soft dog bone.
Do not show all the toys to puppy at once. It will be not interesting for dog. Propose something one each time. If a dog loses interest to a toy, take it off for some time. propose it again after some time - and interest will appear again.
Puppy cage
If you are gong to travel with a dog - a puppy cage will be a very comfortable tool to take it with you and keep it safe and comfortable. Puppy cage may be useful if you are making a repair of your apartment. It helps to keep you puppy safe from chewing or licking dangerous substances or spoil the results of your labor. It is easier to train a dog to dog cage from puppy age. And it will be useful in many situations in your future life.
Puppy hygiene care
A puppy should be brushed and washed. Use quality, clear and non-aroma shampoo for dogs. Find more about dog hygiene care.